Ellen Duffield
Creating environments for men and women to

A THEOLOGY OF THRIVING: Belonging, Being, and Contributing
"Ellen has done an exceptional and admirable service, and the resource is unparalleled in its attempt to shape a model, mind map, and thoughtfully researched and written theology. Over 50 years of research study and teaching and learning facilitation, I have not found an equal of the value this resource adds."
- Dr. Paul Magnus
President Emeritus, Chair of Leadership and Management Emeritus, Briercrest College & Seminary
Ellen Duffield is a woman of great depth of character, integrity, and humility. In her book on Thriving, with scripture and story, she gently guides the reader toward a greater understanding of where we find our identity and how we can be who God made us to be.
President & CEO of Yonge Street Mission
The concept of persons, especially leaders thriving, has been addressed from psychological, sociological, philosophical and functional perspectives, as well as theologically and rarely in an integrative and holistic way as Ellen has done.
Briercrest College & Seminary
I’ve spent my career helping leaders and organizations find their authentic path to contribution. This experience helped me quickly see the breathtaking genius in Ellen Duffield’s work.
COURTNEY LYNCH, ESQ. Founder and CEO Lead Star. New York Times best-selling author of Spark and Leading from the Front

Ellen Duffield is the Coordinator of the Paul Magnus Centre for Leadership Studies at Briercrest Seminary, an Affiliate at Leader's Village, and the Chair of the Canadian Christian Women's Collaborative Network. She is also an adjunct professor, speaker, and consultant with specializations in human thriving, leadership development, men and women working together, and the high cost of women's low confidence. A mother and grandmother Ellen loves time spent with family, canoeing, archery, hiking and coffee with friends.